GALIFIRE specialists reliably represent the interests of clients in the field of intellectual property rights protection at any level - in Turkmenpatent, administrative and law enforcement structures, as well as, if necessary, in judicial and customs authorities. Any changes in legislation and by-laws in the field of intellectual property are immediately taken into account and used as a guide for the effective protection of the rights of intellectual property owners. In cooperation with the Russian company Galifanov, Malkov and Partners, the employees of GALIFIRE in 2014 – 2018 published the books "Protectability of Trademarks" and “Protectability and Protection of Trademarks ".
Besides that, in collaboration with the aforementioned company, they periodically publish articles in professional International, Turkmen and Russian magazines on professional topics. This allows the employees of "GALIFIRE" always keeping a pace with the time, respond in a timely manner to fundamental qualitative changes in legislation, effectively interact with government agencies, conduct high-level expertise of various types of contracts, carry out legally significant procedures in the direction desired by the client and thereby effectively ensure reliable legal security and protection of clients’ interests in relation to intellectual property.
Dr. Gennady Galifanov has higher agricultural and political education. He also has an academic title of senior research officer and Doctor Degree in agricultural science. Dr.Galifanov is Author of over 50 inventions and over 200 scientific articles in various publications and magazines. He is one of the co-authors of the books protectiveness of trademarks (2014), Protectiveness and protection of trademarks (2018). Some of Dr. Galifanov’s inventions were brought into industries and production which leaded to positive economic effects. Scientific, practical and pedagogical experience of research and teaching work is more than 40 years, of which more than 30 years are directly in the field of protection of intellectual property. He has studied in the Central Institute of Professional Development of National Economy Executives in the field of Patent work (Leningrad/Saint-Petersburg branch, 1990) and University of Robert Shuman (Strasburg, France, 1997). Holder of medal of ‘Honor’ (1986) and golden medal, awarded by World International Property Organization (WIPO, 2003). Dr. Galifanov has taken active participation in development of new legal projects in respect of intellectual property laws and IP legal standards in Turkmenistan. He has founded ‘GALIFIRE’ in 1994, which he leads and where he provides intellectual property services till present. Dr.Galifanov fluently speaks Russian and languages of Turkish group.
More details can be found at
Mr.Valeriy Lyah has higher engineering and patent education. Mr. Lyah is an author of many inventions in the field of mechanics and water conservation. After graduation of Institute of Patent science, Mr. Lyah headed Patent departments of two science institutes (The Institute of hydro engineering and melioration, Institute of the Sun) at the same time performing his duties as patent engineer. He has drawn more than 500 applications (inventions) the most of which were accepted by expertise as meeting the requirement for patentability. His experience in the field of intellectual property protection (including his experience as patent expert) compromises more than 30 years. Mr. Lyah has published more than 50 academic studies in area of melioration, water conservation and bio/solar technologies. He is an expert in various areas of technical knowledge. He is also the developer of a number of new crystal-chemical technologies for obtaining pure silicon from quartz sand for solar batteries. Fluent in Russian and English.
Mr. Rejep Karliyev has higher law education. He graduated Military Institute of Ministry of Defense, specialization ‘jurisprudence’. He also gained his MBA (Financial management) from University of Wales (UK) in 2012. Mr. Karliyev is a member of world known professional body ACCA (Association of Chartered and Certified Accountants). From 2004 till 2013, Mr. Karliyev has lived and worked in the UK. During his professional carrier, he mainly has worked in finance and audit sectors, at the same time performing credit control and some legal duties for “GALIFIRE”. He has a number of publications in the field of intellectual property, including publications in foreign journals and the WIPO magazine. He is one of the co-authors of the books Protectiveness of trademarks (2014), Protectiveness and protection of trademarks (2018). At present time he works in the business structure "GALIFIRE" as IP lawyer. Mr. Rejep Karliyev speaks fluent Russian, English and Turkmen.
He has a higher legal education, graduated from the Russian State Academy for the Protection of Intellectual Property with a degree in jurisprudence. He is a specialist in the field of information technology for the protection and protection of intellectual property rights. Has a number of publications in Russian specialized journals regarding to the protection of intellectual property, and also a co-author of the book "Protectability and Protection of Trademarks" (2018). Has successful experience in defending the interests of clients at the appeal and judicial levels. He is an expert in various fields of science and technology, including in the field of Internet technologies and printing. Has good organizational and communication skills. He is fluent in Russian and English.
Has a higher education in law and qualification in marketing. Graduated from the Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property, Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI), and also the Cambridge University Language School (Great Britain). She is a co-author of published work in the journal "Intellectual Property" (2012), as well as the books "Protectiveness of Trademarks" (2014), "Protectiveness and Protection of Trademarks" (2018). At the present time she is working as IP lawyer in the business structure "GALIFIRE". She is fluent in Russian and English.
She is graduated with honors from secondary school. Has a secondary education in Economics. Currently she is a student of the Cherepovets State University (Russia). Possesses good knowledge in the field of documentation, workflow, operational storage and use of documents, as well as working with office equipment and packages of various software applications of the Microsoft Windows. She is fluent in Russian and Turkmen.